Insulation Institute Blog

New Report: Trends in HERS-Rated Homes

Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) is out with a new analysis of HERS-rated homes in the United States in 2023, Trends in HERS-Rated Homes. The report is the fifth installment of the organization’s Trends report. It is made possible by RESNET’s Suppliers Advisory Board, which is comprised of suppliers of goods and services to the...

Jun 7, 2024 8:30:35 AM Stacy Fitzgerald-Redd

Time to Optimize Thermal Performance in 100M Homes

Time to Optimize Thermal Performance in 100M Homes

Mar 10, 2023 1:03:30 PM Stacy Fitzgerald-Redd

New Data Shows Strong Appeal of HERS

RESNETannounced this week that its analysis of the top 200 U.S. home builders in 2019 shows more builders are constructing HERS homes, and of all homes built by the top 200 builders, 39 percent received a HERS rating last year. Other impressive numbers from the analysis show:

Oct 2, 2020 9:28:28 AM Stacy Fitzgerald-Redd

Better Marketing Drives Sales of EE Homes

A new study from the National Association of Home Builders reveals that one-quarter of the features home builders are most likely to include in new construction homes relate to energy efficiency. Despite the popularity of energy efficiency features, some builders are conflicted about them in part because they believe they cannot recoup the...

Apr 24, 2020 10:15:25 AM Stacy Fitzgerald-Redd

Builder Spotlight: Insight's Innovation Win

DOE’s Housing Innovation Awards recognize the best in home building innovation on the path toward Net Zero. Among this year’s winners in the production home category is Insight Homes, a Delaware builder and previous innovation award winner. Insight’s ability to evolve its construction practices to take advantage of the latest in building science...

Oct 18, 2019 10:11:45 AM Stacy Fitzgerald-Redd

RESNET Launches New HERS for Consumers Site

RESNET Launches New HERS for Consumers Site

With nearly one-quarter of new homes carrying a HERS rating, consumers in the energy-efficient home market need to understand why this metric, similar to the miles-per-gallon rating of new cars, is key to 

Jun 20, 2019 4:20:21 PM Stacy Fitzgerald-Redd

HERS Raters Boost EE Competency for Builders

With 27 years’ experience as an insulation contractor in the Dallas/Fort Worth Area, Cardice Howard’s knowledge base about energy-efficient home construction is extensive. She’s seen that builders who work collaboratively with all trades achieve the best results, a better HERS score, and the desired home energy efficiency or air tightness targets....

Jan 9, 2019 4:12:51 PM Stacy Fitzgerald-Redd

Energy Data Gains Traction in Home Listings

What impact will energy data for 110 million homes have on the energy efficiency industry?

By: Ryan Meres, RESNET Programs Director

For more than a decade studies have consistently shown that home buyers want energy-efficient features, but few are aware of the impact those features have on energy cost. The average U.S. homeowner spends more on ...

Jun 21, 2018 4:45:37 PM Ryan Meres, RESNET