The First ENERGY STAR Home Upgrade Partner is Sealed

May 24, 2024 8:33:23 AM By Stacy Fitzgerald-Redd
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sealedThe Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR Home Upgrade Program inked its first partnership this week with Sealed, a clean tech company working to accelerate home energy improvement and electrification projects nationwide. The partnership could help hundreds of thousands of U.S. households improve their home performance through a one-stop shop for home energy upgrades, which include improvements such as clean heating and cooling, a well-insulated and sealed attic, a super-efficient water heater, high-performance windows or storm windows, a smart thermostat, and electric readiness.

Leveraging the power of the ENERGY STAR brand, which is familiar to 90 percent of U.S. homeowners, Sealed hopes to streamline the efficiency and electrification journey for homeowners. As a program aggregator, Sealed works with contractors to simplify rebate programs for energy-saving improvements. Its software, data, and analytics provide contractors with the tools to help them complete more home weatherization and electrification projects, increase their business, and educate their customers. The company also aggregates projects for utility and government rebate programs and handles rebate processing and payments on the contractor’s behalf.

“We at Sealed know that electrification journeys aren’t always easy. There are often multiple steps, different contractors, and, of course, the cost. The ENERGY STAR Home Upgrade Program looks to simplify the process for households, connecting them with retailers, incentives, service providers, and others,” the company’s news release said. “Becoming a Service Provider will only help us improve what we’ve been doing for the last decade: helping people across the U.S. stop energy waste and electrify their homes.”


Partnership May Increase Use of IRA Rebates and Incentives

ENERGY STAR Home Upgrade Program partnership with Sealed is well timed, as the Inflation Reduction Act home energy rebates are set to start later this year and will require the installation of ENERGY STAR-certified appliances. As an ENERGY STAR Home Upgrade Service Provider, Sealed can help homeowners take advantage of those rebates.

One of the major hurdles to accelerating home energy efficiency and electrification work is the fact that many homeowners don’t know their homes can be improved and made more comfortable and efficient. Moreover, they have no idea what work qualifies for incentives or rebates. Through consumer education, Sealed and ENERGY STAR can get people excited about making home upgrades that can help them improve their home’s comfort and lower their monthly utility bills.

To read Sealed’s press release announcing the partnership, click here.







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